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Kick & Thai Shields

Kick & Thai Shields

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Features special cell foam padding with precision air stream channels on both sides to increase shoc..

Kick & Thai Shields

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An incredible punch, kick and body shield designed exclusively for MMA training. XXL size is crafted..

Kick & Thai Shields

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Kick SheildAll size and colors are available...

Kick & Thai Shields

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The Luggage Kick Shield is ideal for leg kicks, cut kicks, foot jabs, knees, body punches... and mor..

Kick & Thai Shields

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The Luggage Kick Shield is ideal for leg kicks, cut kicks, foot jabs, knees, body punches... and mor..

Kick & Thai Shields

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Kick SheildAll size and colors are available...

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)
Warning: SessionHandler::write(): write failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /home/aimgam/public_html/system/library/session/native.php on line 21Warning: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data using user defined save handler. (session.save_path: /tmp) in Unknown on line 0